Manufacturing and industry

Manufacturing and industry

As technology in the manufacturing sector develops rapidly, the number of sophisticated devices is increasing. While this is beneficial for faster, more fully automated production, it also creates an increased risk of fire !

All these machines require electricity, which leads to an increase in power demand in the power distribution system, which is another common fire risk. Most of the equipment is custom-made and specific to the manufacturer, so replacement is slow and downtime is not an option.

Combined with the consistent focus on health and safety in the workplace, fires are a serious problem that can cause irreparable damage to life and the economy. POWERTECH International GmbH offers special fire suppression system to protect the special equipment, forklifts and electrical panels and control cabinets.

Our systems offer protection without taking up costly space, as well as quick and easy installation.

Our solutions:

Indirect fire suppression system

The POWERTECH tube has a double function:

Firstly it detects the high temperatur due to a fire,which causes its  break,and subsecuently it discharges the agent through it.

Direct fire suppression system

The POWERTECH tube works as a detection device.

When a fire rises the temperature, the tube detects it and, immediately activares the cylinder releasing the extinguishing agent in the protecteted area though the pipes and nozzles.

Advantages of our systems

POWERTECH International GmbH fire suppression system are particularly characterized by the following features: